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2024 new year goal plan action, Business plan and strategies. Annual plan and development


Corporate Services are a key enabler for any organisation. 
Our value lies in aligning corporate services to support and deliver strategy, purpose and outcomes.
We provide practical solutions and advice tailored to client requirements in these core areas.


  • ​Strategy Development

  • Strategic Planning

  • Business Cases

  • Performance Review 

  • Transformation

  • Reform

  • Turnaround

People & Culture

  • Workforce Planning

  • Independent Review

  • Policy and Procedure Development 


  • Performance Management

  • Financial Management

  • CFO Advisory

  • Business Turnaround

  • Finance Transformation

  • Public Sector Finance

  • Independent Review


  • Independent Review

  • Project Governance 

  • Policy and Procedure Development 


  • Governance Frameworks

  • Program and Project Governance 

  • Policy and Procedure Development 


  • Supplier Relationship Management 

  • Contract Health Check

  • Independent Review

© 2024 Corporate Synergy Partners 

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation

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